quarta-feira, abril 02, 2003

I'm completely down-to-earth!

Find your soul type
at kelly.moranweb.com.

Virtues: You respect people with plans. When someone has their head on their shoulders, you know that they can see straightforward and keep their eyes on the mark. When it comes to looking at the future, you take a logical approach: what's within your ability? A fortunate attribute that you have is the ability to set a goal for yourself, higher than maybe you feel possible, but still keep yourself within reasonable bounds. You take the time to appreciate those surrounding you and they do appreciate you in return. Decision-making comes naturally to you when you take the time to consider each option. People only come to talk to you when they are looking for a logical, reasonable solution.

Eu também respeito pessoas que piram o cabeçote e largam tudo. Queria ter um pouco dos dois em mim, pirado e planejado.

Isso tem um fundo, mas o que eu preciso é justamente aprender a tomar minas decisões baseadas não na minha capacidade de julgamento (sendo ela boa ou ruim) mas no meu instinto. Ir de cabeça é o que preciso aprender a fazer.

Isso é só parcialmente verdade. Talvez eu até faça esses planos, mas sempre me perco no caminho pela minha falta de concentração. Às vezes me pergunto se já não perdi minha grande chance na vida...

Aspirations: You have an idea of what you can do with your life, but you push it up a notch. You need a profession that you can enjoy, so work towards it. You want to live near your friends and family while being as far away as possible. You also want to settle down while working in excitement and variation.

Eu tenho um monte de idéias desconexas, e só.

Isso é verdade, e é algo que me impede de pirar total. Eu me sinto muito apegado à um certo número de pessoas e acho que não valeria a pena fazer mais nada na vida se elas não estivessem do meu lado.

Quirks: You don't appreciate drama queens and they don't appreciate you. When they need help, they won't seek you out because of your ability to see through their overly dramatic predicaments. You have leeway for humor, and sometimes love to participate in it, but when it becomes irrational behavior, others can count you out. Loud noises are bothersome, except when they come from you or your friends.

Verdade. Esse papo todo de gente depressiva à lá fãs do Smashing Pumpkins já me encheu faz tempo. Gente que gosta de dizer como é zuado na vida só me cansa. Mas não tento enxotar tanto assim, procuro passá-las pro lado negro da força e td mais.

Factors: Reach for the sky! Don't decide to do something because you're merely good at it, but choose something you might like to do, despite whether you're sure you can master it or not. Don't only save room for a few empathetic friends, but open up to everyone.

Future: When looking for a job, if you work in all of your talents (logic, decision-making, planning, and definitely humor), you'll find yourself happy. Come to a compromise for location; live nearby your friends and take periodic vacations or live farther away and take frequent return trips.

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